01:55 min

Cat Cow Stretch

This pose stretches the lower spine, hips, back, and core muscles, while strengthening the back muscles and improving flexibility in your spine.

01:55 min

Cat Cow Stretch 2

Return to this exercise again to improve your stretching range and increase strength and flexibility

02:43 min

Incline Side Plank Rotations

Open your chest while strengthening your upper body and obliques, and activating your glutes.

01:19 min

Seated Spinal Twist

Stretch your chest muscles, the pectoralis and obliques, to help relieve upper body tension.

02:06 min

Seated Forward Bend with Half Lift

Stretch your hamstrings and improve spinal mobility with this seated yoga posture

02:11 min

Seated Spinal Twist with Arm Extension

Stretch your pectoralis muscles and twist to enhance spinal mobility.

01:43 min

Seated Cat Cow

Enhance your spinal mobility and increase movement in the pelvis to help alleviate tension in the hip flexors, back, and neck.

01:41 min

Standing Spinal Extension

Extend your spine to decrease lower back pain and tension.

02:27 min

Thoracic Mobility Circles

Bring attention to the space and contraction in your back for better spinal mobility.

01:41 min

Child Pose - Level 1

Elongate the lower back, relieve pain, and reduce stress with this staple stretch from Yoga training.

01:13 min

Child Pose - Level 2

Elongate the lower back, relieve pain, and reduce stress with this staple stretch from Yoga training.

02:11 min

Standing Side Stretch

The entire back side (upper, middle and lower back), chest and diaphragm muscles are stretched, increasing your range of motion. While the right side of the spine bends, the left side stretches bringing stability and balance to both sides of the spine and the various muscles in a stretch. An improved balance of the muscles supports the organs, keeping them stimulated which strengthens your immunity system.

01:48 min

Standing Neck Stretch

Stretching the neck muscles has an immediate effect on your state of mind. Lengthening the larger muscles defuses stress held in the body and helps the whole body to relax. Lengthening and stretching small neck muscles will help quiet the mind and bring on a sense of well-being. This can also help prevent tension headaches.

01:59 min

Plank - Level 1

Work your entire body with this plank exercise that targets your spine, back, and core.

01:56 min

Plank - Level 2

Work your entire body with this plank exercise that targets your spine, back, and core.

02:09 min

Chair Squats

Learn correct squat form to strengthen the quad and hamstring muscles.

03:05 min

Curl Up

Building a strong, solid core makes it easier to keep your hips, spine, and shoulders in alignment, which helps to improve posture.

03:57 min

Curl Up Level 2

Building a strong, solid core makes it easier to keep your hips, spine, and shoulders in alignment, which helps to improve posture.

02:28 min

Hip Flexor Stretch - Level 1

Learn to lengthen your spine to relieve upper back tension and lower back pain.

02:46 min

Hip Flexor Stretch - Level 2

Reduce both knee and back injuries by developing strong, active glutes. Stretching the hip flexors activates the glutes improving performance while reducing injuries. This is also a key stretch if you sit for long periods of time each day.

02:00 min

Hollow Hold Level 1

The hollow hold works the body's anterior chain — the muscles in the front of the body — including abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. In addition to building strength, stability, and body control, it boasts back-friendly positioning by placing the body into a posterior pelvic tilt.

01:39 min

Hollow Hold- Level 2

The hollow hold works the body's anterior chain — the muscles in the front of the body — including abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. In addition to building strength, stability, and body control, it boasts back-friendly positioning by placing the body into a posterior pelvic tilt.

01:46 min

Hollow Hold - Level 3

The hollow hold works the body's anterior chain — the muscles in the front of the body — including abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. In addition to building strength, stability, and body control, it boasts back-friendly positioning by placing the body into a posterior pelvic tilt.

02:48 min

Lying Lateral Leg Raises - Level 1

This exercise helps stabilize the hips, improve range of motion, and activate muscles that rarely get used, especially if you sit for long periods each day.

02:22 min

Lying Lateral Leg Raises - Level 2

This exercise helps stabilize the hips, improve range of motion, and activate muscles that rarely get used, especially if you sit for long periods each day.

01:56 min

Seated Knee Raises

Maintain good posture by building core strength and improving your balance and coordination.

03:10 min

Seated Hip Flexor Stretch

Learn to lengthen your spine to relieve upper back tension and lower back pain.

01:47 min

Seated Bicycles

Create mobility in your shoulders, lengthen your spine, and strengthen deep abdominal muscles to support better posture.

02:18 min

Seated Hamstring Stretch

Improve flexibility in your hamstrings to alleviate lower back pain.

01:58 min

Seated Glute Stretch

Relieve tension in your lower back by opening the hips and stretching your glute muscles.

02:49 min

Single-leg Sitdowns

Builds up your knees, glutes, and hamstrings, to improve your balance.

03:35 min

The Bird Dog- Level 1

The bird dog is a simple core exercise that improves stability, encourages a neutral spine, and relieves low back pain. It strengthens your core, hips, and back muscles.

03:18 min

The Bird Dog -Level 2

The bird dog is a simple core exercise that improves stability, encourages a neutral spine, and relieves low back pain. It strengthens your core, hips, and back muscles.

01:59 min

Plank - Level 1

Work your entire body with this plank exercise that targets your spine, back, and core.

01:56 min

Plank - Level 2

Work your entire body with this plank exercise that targets your spine, back, and core.

02:09 min

Pelvic Tilt

Improve core strength, reduce lower back pain, and maintain proper alignment of the pelvis while correcting anterior pelvic tilt problems (a common issue where people leave their butt sticking out as they move).

02:33 min

Piriformis muscle stretch

A healthy piriformis can ease knee and ankle pain as well as the numb feeling you get from excess sitting. Walking with a tight piriformis puts extra strain on the inside and outside of your knee joint, making the outside too tight and the inside weak, which creates an unstable joint.

03:05 min

Curl Up

Building a strong, solid core makes it easier to keep your hips, spine, and shoulders in alignment, which helps to improve posture.

03:15 min

Dead Bug Level 1

The dead bug exercise is a safe and effective way to strengthen and stabilize your core, spine, and back muscles. This improves your posture and helps relieve and prevent low back pain. You'll also improve balance and coordination.

03:29 min

Dead bug level 2

The dead bug exercise is a safe and effective way to strengthen and stabilize your core, spine, and back muscles. This improves your posture and helps relieve and prevent low back pain. You'll also improve balance and coordination.

02:50 min

Dead Bug Level 3

The dead bug exercise is a safe and effective way to strengthen and stabilize your core, spine, and back muscles. This improves your posture and helps relieve and prevent low back pain. You'll also improve balance and coordination.

01:41 min

Child Pose - Level 1

Elongate the lower back, relieve pain, and reduce stress with this staple stretch from Yoga training.

02:43 min

Incline Side Plank Rotations

Open your chest while strengthening your upper body and obliques, and activating your glutes.

02:00 min

Hollow Hold Level 1

The hollow hold works the body's anterior chain — the muscles in the front of the body — including abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. In addition to building strength, stability, and body control, it boasts back-friendly positioning by placing the body into a posterior pelvic tilt.

01:39 min

Hollow Hold- Level 2

The hollow hold works the body's anterior chain — the muscles in the front of the body — including abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. In addition to building strength, stability, and body control, it boasts back-friendly positioning by placing the body into a posterior pelvic tilt.

01:46 min

Hollow Hold - Level 3

The hollow hold works the body's anterior chain — the muscles in the front of the body — including abs, diaphragm, hip flexors, and quads. In addition to building strength, stability, and body control, it boasts back-friendly positioning by placing the body into a posterior pelvic tilt.

01:56 min

Seated Knee Raises

Maintain good posture by building core strength and improving your balance and coordination.

01:47 min

Seated Bicycles

Create mobility in your shoulders, lengthen your spine, and strengthen deep abdominal muscles to support better posture.

01:26 min

Incline Mountain Climbers

Maintain a neutral spine using your abdominals, back, hips and legs as stabilizers, while strengthening your upper body and core.

03:35 min

The Bird Dog- Level 1

The bird dog is a simple core exercise that improves stability, encourages a neutral spine, and relieves low back pain. It strengthens your core, hips, and back muscles.

01:59 min

Plank - Level 1

Work your entire body with this plank exercise that targets your spine, back, and core.

01:56 min

Plank - Level 2

Work your entire body with this plank exercise that targets your spine, back, and core.

02:09 min

Pelvic Tilt

Improve core strength, reduce lower back pain, and maintain proper alignment of the pelvis while correcting anterior pelvic tilt problems (a common issue where people leave their butt sticking out as they move).

02:35 min

Intro to the Pain System

We’ve all experienced pain at some point in our lives. But have you ever wondered what pain actually is and why we feel it?

02:05 min

How to calm your nervous system

There are many ways to calm your nervous system down but addressing our beliefs about the pain is a great first step.

02:29 min

Hypersensitivity & your nervous system

Your brain is constantly analyzing many different factors in your body and surroundings that contribute to the pain experience. Learn how this affects your nervous system in the video.

01:34 min

How does the pain reduction system work

Our brain can release very powerful chemicals to relief pain. Learn more about the pain reduction mechanism in the video.

01:49 min

The role of our brain in pain experience

When our body is injured or hurt in any way, our brain has to make a decision regarding the amount of pain we will feel.

01:25 min

What is the brain's attention system

Your brain has a unique capacity to deal with all incoming information, and it is called the brain's attention system.

01:20 min

Settings the right goals for reducing pain

Learn more about how does the brain's attention system decide which sensory signals are irrelevant and which should be brought into our awareness.

01:55 min

How to lower brain threat levels

Our brain's main goal is to keep us alive. It receives sensory information from our body and surroundings and scans it for any signs of threat.

01:46 min

How to take the focus off pain

Paradoxically, treatments that focus only on the goal of pain relief make the brain focus even more on pain-related nerve signals, which can intensify pain hypersensitivity.

01:25 min

How to handle persistent pain

Learn more about what should you do when persistent pain grabs your attention.